
The plan

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My next step with the garden is to plan. And I have a few… I have to admit I was dreaming up ideas for our garden long before we moved in.

So here is a list of what I would like to achieve:

-Making the garden safe for our toddler is my top priority.

-We need to do some fence maintenance.

-Pruning and working out what we actually have in the garden. I think I am going to have to start a log book so I can remember. It’s a bit of a mystery until spring and then probably a until a full year has passed, but I’m trying to work it out. It’s a fairly established garden, which is nice as we can enjoy it already, but it does also mean it’s not a blank canvas and we need to work around some established plants or be brutal.

-Sorting and reorganising my allotment gear. Which has been put into our shed… in a bit of a crazy pile. (Moving an allotment is not an easy job!!) But the shed smells very authentic; just like my grandpas did.

-Working out a general plan for the space. Involving a greenhouse (this is realistically something for next year) and creating growing space for veg and flowers….

-Sorting out the soil. Whilst the garden has been cared for, it lacks the beautiful soil I achieved at the allotment. You don’t have to dig far to hit clay and rocks. Raised beds and lots of digging are on the agenda.

-A diy ‘mud kitchen’ for our toddler.

-Location for my hammock!! Although I have no idea where the bolts or actual hammock are since we moved!!

-A small child friendly wildlife pond. Bug hotel, nesting boxes and feeders.

-Pots and pots and pots for my dream container patio situation.

-I need to remove some brambles although I think they will be my new garden foe. I like the fruit, but the spikes less!

I’m also expanding my seed sourcing. Discovering chiltern seeds via an insta explore. Which has made me realise that we need proper garden plan as my ideas are running a bit wild. So I need to focus and I need to get going.

Saturday morning seed hunting

I’m feeling a little overwhelmed with the ‘garden’, but I think it’s a ‘jump in a crack on’ situation. Need to remind myself nothing is permanent and the learning has to start somewhere. I’m looking forward to the clocks changing as some evening gardening can start!

July-August- September post!

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I stated writing this post a few months ago!…. Better late than never!

I have been off WordPress a bit of late. But the plot is still growing away, as is my own little (or rather big) side project. The baby bump!!

This post is a big overview of the year.

– Potatoes in the big bed grew well. We harvested these around the end of September. And this year we got them before the slugs! They turned out much better than expected considering I hadn’t given them much love. The potatoes in the waterlogged bed did grow, just not as much or as big. Next year I will need to find another way to drain my willow soaking pool, rather than just letting the water run into the beds.

-Tomatoes greenhouse and outdoor… Did well. But again a little tlc and they would have cropped longer and better. As always my greenhouse plants did the best.

-I also grew cucumbers and peppers in my greenhouse. Which did well.

-I grew some sunflowers to cut this year. They turned out great as just kept on flowering away all summer. And made lovely gifts to a lucky few! I also grew some big sunflowers…. Can’t have a plot without a few monsters!

-My tradition sweetpeas grew away nicely. But I’m determined to make them last longer. Lots of water?

– I also grew borage, wildflowers and some other companion flowers this year.

-My mini squash looked great, but gave up in the hot weather. I got two fruits… So it’s a start! They looked very pretty when growing away so I will try again next year.

– My beetroots did well. But got nibbled before I could get to them.

– Courgettes were a disaster this year. Just didn’t and didn’t want to know. They usually grow like weeds!

– Strawberry plants had there first year in a new bed. Hopefully next year they will show off!

-Raspberry plants were a bit sad this year. I didn’t cut back hard enough and I noticed a big improvement when I did! Next yearbook will be harsh on my lovely plants!
We cleared the plot and greenhouse down for autumn a little early this year. Next stop is manure spreading :).

Then we can start fresh in New year… With a brand new extra set of hands! I suspect he won’t come out with gardening gloves in hand…. But given a few years!

First day of Summer

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I have not written on here for a while. But today it’s the first day of summer!… And it’s raining (are we surprised?… least the plot will be happy).

Here is a run down on the plot.


Courgette x3 + 1 still in greenhouse
Squash x2. + 1 still in greenhouse
Sweet peas and other flowers πŸ™‚
Potatoes x 6 types.


And in the greenhouse:

It’s all growing along with very little help from me. Just weeding and watering.

Last night we had our first big pot of raspberries. πŸ™‚ The strawberries are being eaten by other beasties.

The to do list is:
-pot up the rest of my greenhouse
– Set my squash around frames, so it can grow upwards
-do battle with strawberry eating beasts
-pull up first flowered potatoes (set flower about a month ago :))

And I’m sure I will find other jobs!

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Un-posted! But not forgotten a

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This is a VERY delayed forgotten post from a few weeks ago…

I got a good few hours in at the plot last weekend. I did a bit of everything!

I got my back bed cleared, organised and dug. That’s all beds set for growing. Yipeee! Getting closer to growing season…. Fast forward one week….. and I have sown spinach, sweed and beetroot in this bed.

I have seen a bit of talk about sowing in sand to help seeds seperate, avoid rotting and to spot seedling vs weed? Curious to know peoples thoughts and advice on this.

My potatoes are finally coming up, I am dutifully keeping on top of covering with soil. Even the flodded bed (lesson learnt, do not drain willow soak into allotment)

My leeks are starting to grow along, but my spring onions (tape) seems to have failed. I love my spring onions so its back to the drawing board on this.

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Mid April plan

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I’m at the stage that I need a plan again.

Things I need to do on the plot this weekend:
– Check sweet peas and sweetcorn are alive and possibly plant in the ground.
– Get my structures in place. Bamboo poles please!
– Clear ‘back area’ on my plot ready for the hammock stand in may.
– Sow beetroot, chard seeds direct in soild.
– Find my paper plans! Probably do this first… as I may have illegally sown extra crops. And it could go horribly wrong!
– Get some wood chipping for my strawberry bed.
– Get a proper frame made for my raspberry canes, and string them up! And remove any cheeky unwanted suckers that have popped up.
-Tidy greenhouse! A good rainy day job!
– Investigate compost bin 1… And dig into back bed… I need to put a little path back in here as it proved to be impossible last year.
– Do a bit of general maintenance… Weeding, fixing, levelling…

And I think that lot will keep me busy!

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Slug and snail time!

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I have seen a few leaves going missing. But today my lovely newly re potted Courgette was gone 😭

So no more ‘miss nice lady gardener’ slugs and snails. Your days are numbered!

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Windy weekends and to-do lists

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On Tuesday I walked home in the setting sun. Ok it wasn’t sunny at all, it was rainy and horrid. But it was light….which makes me very happy as I can see my plot after work. πŸ™‚ When I have the time!

Although reading peoples blogs made me realise that I have not checked on my plot since storm Katie. And now the fear has set in!

So last night (a few nights ago now) I legged it to the plot. Was greeted by 2 cats shouting at each other, and another sheepishly watching them. But the plot was ok. A few broken panes of glass and blown over bits, but we made it!

Time to fix up my door again.

And straighten those poles!

But spring has sprung and my raspberry canes seem to be getting going for year 2 on the plot. The wood chips are making it all look much more organised….at least in my eyes.

I have to say it was hard to leave. But at the weekend I’ll get my dig on πŸ™‚/ nothing done. And instead DIY our socks off. Ahhh well we now have a beautiful bedroom to relax in after all the future allotmenting. 😝

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Dig for potato victory!

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Hopefully all the plot prep pays of this weekend.

Sweet peas have gone down to the plot and in the greenhouse.


-And the potatoes have all gone in. Thanks to some help from Mr. πŸ™‚


We dug untill the sunset (although we only started at 5.30). Victory at last.


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Tissue or seed tape?!

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I have a horrid never ending cold at the moment. But I had to laugh when yesterday I was scrabbling in my pocket and pulled out seed tape instead of my tissue!

So yes the spring onion seed tape went in πŸ™‚ and was not used as a tissue. I have never ‘seed’ anything like it… Giant wide seed tape… With a little strip of seeds in the middle. Let’s hope it works.

Garlic and onions moved out from my greenhouse, and went in a freshly dug patch.


And I got my mixed leeks sown. And I got some beetroots sown, or I will do when I go back today.

I got lots of seeds in on Friday night… As a result we are dinning around seedlings…Needs must!

The sown list
Sweet corn
Courgette x2 varieties
Sunflowers x 2 varieties
Squash red kiri
Tomatoes… The first!


And here is the plot in overview. My bulbs are doing well πŸ™‚ seeing all the bees last weekend I’m so glad I put so many in. And it looks great!! More next year.


And my bulb lasagne pots are working, I can see my tulips slowly emerging. Then it’s the summer bulbs after that!

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Allotment update… From a few weeks ago

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I ordered my willow on Monday afternoon and Wednesday it was due to arrive! Wednesday was forecast to be a lovely sunny day; so I made the most of a calmer time of year at work, and took the day off.

I had a great day. It rained a little, but I had glimpses of glorious sunshine by the afternoon!

– I removed a path
– Dug over the 4 yr old path, and two beds that are now one big bed! Should be perfect for my potatoes!
-cleared, lifted and re made another path
– And did a bit of general wedding and pottering!