
Wind in the willows!

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I’m very excited as I have ordered some willow for hurdling/ creative constructions on the plot.

When I first took the plot on I experimented with a mini woven retaining wall. Made from my non productive plum tree. (I should explain I was told it was non fruiting and asked to remove it, when I took the plot on. And well… I trimmed it a lot, then a little less each year. It’s now a respectable tree shape; but still doesn’t fruit. I always think maybe it will… But it just doesn’t…. He-he!) Anyway since then I have no materials… Appart from my idea to scavange in the local parks (possibly a bit illegal…So I have not don’t that).

So…I committed! And invested in some willow! And some stakes. I found a rather lovely guide to hurdle making. And yes! I do have a workmate, and I have some determination! So I’m going to give it a try! All I need is a Jig (to set my hurdle poles into). I can see myself getting distracted and building random archways. But first the willow and the soaking.. in my excitement. I hadn’t thought about how I was going to soak these giant sticks. I think the bath is out (its really not socially acceptable to share you bath with willow sticks is it!?); So I’m going to try the water butt at the plot.